Monday, February 28, 2011

Ricotta and walnut ravioli with roasted carrot sauce

So this weeks dish has cheered me up no end.This is the meal I changed last week due to climatic changes.I’v never made Ravioli before, well Iv never really made pasta before . I tried gnocchi but that ended in white sludge.Pasta should technically be made with 00 flour but plain flour will do  ok.

  • ingredients
  • 210g all-purpose flour
  • 2 large eggs
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons water
Mound your flower on your work-top , scoop a hole out of the flower .Add eggs and salt, mix add a drop off water if still to dry.Knead the dough for about 10 mins this activates the  glutton in the floor which stops the dough ripping when u roll out your dough.Place you dough in the fridge for 30 minutes.Roll the dough on your work top.The dough needs to be half the dept of a beer mat.
When I cut out my shapes I made them circular, I did this because when you roll out dough it turns into a circler shape .I used a glass to cut out my shapes.
  • Filling:
  • 200g ricotta cheese
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • 7 walnuts, halved and salt to taste

This was the filling I used but you can use spinach and goats cheese or any no. of fillings.I also put together a  sauce to go with this to make a full dish.I want to blog dishes that are easy and the ingredients are accessable but taste and look great.
Roasted Carrot Sauce.
This sauce is really easy to make, but makes the best of your ingredients.
  • 3 Carrots(depending on size ); sliced
  • 1 Onions; sliced
  • 2 tb oil
  • 2 Cloves garlic; minced
  • 2 / 4 cups of Vegetable stock
  • Juice 1/2 a lemon
  • Sea salt to taste
Pre heat your oven to roasting temp for your cookerSo I quartered my Carrots and chopped them to the width of your big finger.Put them into a roasting dish and  mix in oil and place in pre heated oven.
Chop onions and garlic.When u see the are roasting ¾ roasted add onion and garlic as they roast fast and will burn if added from start.So when they ingredients are roasted, add to blender and add lemon then salt to taste.Add the vegetable stock a cup at a time till the desired texture and thickness is achieved.
A few tips on this recipe: Make the dough as thin a  possible, especially around the edges where the join between top and bottom, this is where the pasta thickness doubles.
Put as much filling as you can fit into each Ravioli, stretch the edges if you need to make them bigger.Place in boiling water till they floot,cook after making. They don’t really keep, as they dry out and don’t taste as well.

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